Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences
DVCS is situated at the CVM Maahas Field Station. It offers courses in Clinics, Diagnostic Imaging, Ethics and Jurisprudence, Internal Medicine, Surgery, Theriogenology, and Zootechnics. It has four laboratories, namely Large Animal Surgery, Small Animal Surgery, Theriogenology, and Zootechnics.
Key Research Areas
- Low cost portable molecular diagnostic platforms for rapid detection of poultry pathogens
- Ultrasonography of different organs of Philippine water buffalo, sheep, goat, and horse
- Cryopreservation of spermatozoa and embryo transfer in domestic and wild animals
- Weight determination using external body measurements in domestic animals
- Acupuncture analgesia and therapy in domestic animals
- Diseases & disorders of horses in breeding farms and race tracks
- Heat synchronization procedures in cattle and buffaloes
- Effects of feed additives in poultry and swine production
- Photomicrographic assessment of sperm motility in large animals
- Serum biochemistry profile of domestic and wild animals
- Histopathologic and histochemical studies on canine mammary gland tumor and transmissible venereal tumor
Research Thrust:
The research thrust of the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences mainly focuses on “One Health” issues for both livestock and companion animals. Researches dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of economically important diseases of livestock and companion animals such as Newcastle Disease, Hog Cholera, and Erlichiosis.
Administrative Staff

Jenlly B. Fesalbon
Laboratory Aide II

Olivia P. De Luna
Administrative Assistant VI