Through the UPLB Graduate School, CVM offers a two-year Master of Science in Veterinary Medicine program with nine areas of specialization. The graduate program intends to strengthen the students’ capabilities and competence to teach and conduct research in various fields of veterinary medicine. It is designed to provide a multi-disciplinary program from which the graduate student can choose an area of specialization and other areas of interest to broaden his knowledge in veterinary medicine. The courses in this program are interdepartmental offerings so that students will have various options to attain their career goals. It has a wide range of graduate courses to choose from both in the College of Veterinary Medicine and other units of the UP System.
The Master of Science in Veterinary Medicine consists of nine units of core courses, 10 units of major courses, nine units of minor courses, and six units of thesis – for a total of 34 units. The program has nine major areas of specialization as follows: Veterinary Anatomy, Veterinary Internal Medicine, Veterinary Microbiology, Veterinary Parasitology, Veterinary Pathology, Veterinary Physiology, Veterinary Public Health, Veterinary Surgery, and Theriogenology.
Prospective Students
DVM graduate from the academe, animal industry, private, and government industries and private practice.
- Join various government agencies (DA, DENR, DOH, and the like) and local government units
- Teach in universities and colleges in the country and region
- Join international organizations concerned with animal or human health (OIE, WHO, FAO)
- Work in research laboratories in public and private institutions
- Work in private companies engaged in animal production and animal breeding activities
- Engage in food animal practice
- Pursue graduate studies in related/relevant degree programs
Requirements and Mechanics to Graduate
The admission requirements of the Graduate School shall be followed. In addition, applicants shall be holders of DVM or related degree in life sciences from any recognized institution and with at least one year experience in veterinary or related practice.
Courses and Descriptions
Department of Basic Veterinary Sciences
VETA 201
ADVANCED MACROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE DOG (3 units). Detailed description of the macroscopic anatomy of the dog
VETA 202
ADVANCED COMPARATIVE ANATOMY (3 units). Detailed description and comparison of the macroscopic anatomy of the pig, horse, chicken and cattle (or sheep, goat or carabao)
VETA 203
APPLIED ANATOMY (3 units). Anatomical features essential to diagnostic, surgical, theriogenological and postmortem procedures
VETA 204
ADVANCED MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY (4 units). Detailed description of the histology and ultrastructure of tissues and organs in various species of domestic animals
VETA 205
NEUROANATOMY (3 units). Structure and function of the nervous system; anatomical diagnosis of neurological disorders
VETA 207
HISTOLOGICAL AND ELECTRON MICROSCOPIC TECHNIQUES (3 units). Techniques in the preparation of animal tissues, microbes and parasites for light and electron microscopy
VPHM 241
PHYSIOLOGICAL DISPOSITIONS OF XENOBIOTICS (3 units). Absorption, distribution, biotransformation, excretion, and pharmacokinetics of drugs and poisons in vertebrates
VPHM 242
VETERINARY TOXICOLOGY (2 units). Clinical aspects of common poisoning that affect domestic animals with emphasis on selected and heavy metal poisonings
VPHY 241
PHYSIOLOGICAL BIOCHEMISTRY (3 units). Biochemical principles as related to interpretation of normal and altered physiological state in domestic mammals and birds and other appropriate animal models
VPHY 242
ANIMAL CELL PHYSIOLOGY (2 units). Structural and functional aspects of molecular and subcellular processes in higher animals
VPHY 243
ADVANCED MAMMALIAN PHYSIOLOGY (3 units). The physiology of excitable tissues; cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, renal, and autonomic nervous systems, and acid-base balance
VPHY 244
NEUROPHYSIOLOGY AND NEURO-ENDOCRINOLOGY (2 units). Fundamental processes of nerves, muscles, and synapses; physiology of locomotion and motor control, pain and reflex activities associated with somatic and autonomic functions; anatomical, biochemical and physiological aspects of control of endocrine organs by the nervous systems
VPHY 245
MECHANISMS OF HORMONE ACTION (2 units). Cellular and molecular actions of steroid and peptide hormones; recent techniques in hormone research
VPHY 247
EXPERIMENTAL PHYSIOLOGY (2 units). Methods in experimental animal physiology
Department of Veterinary Paraclinical Sciences
VMCB 221
APPLIED IMMUNOLOGY (2 units). Veterinary immunodiagnostic techniques; principles, applications, limitations and interpretation of results
VMCB 222
CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY (2 units). Isolation, cultivation and identification of pathogenic bacteria and fungi affecting the domestic animals
VMCB 223
BACTERIAL AND VIRAL PATHOGENS OF DOMESTIC ANIMALS (4 units). Characteristics of pathogenic bacteria and viruses relevant to their pathogenesis, epidemiology and control in domestic animals
VMCB 224
VETERINARY MYCOLOGY (2). Cultivation and identification of pathogenic fungi of veterinary importance
VMCB 225
ADVANCES IN VETERINARY IMMUNOLOGY (2 units). Current research and development in veterinary immunology
VMCB 226
ADVANCES IN VETERINARY VIROLOGY (2 units). Current research and development in veterinary immunology
VMCB 227
VETERINARY ANAEROBIC BACTERIOLOGY (2 units). Isolation, cultivation and identification of anaerobes affecting domestic animals
VMCB 229 (or MBB 229)
BIOTECHNOLOGY IN IMMUNOPROPHYLAXIS AND DIAGNOSTICS OF ANIMAL DISEASES (2 units). Principles and applications of biotechnological advances in vaccine design and development and veterinary diagnostics
VPAR 231
ADVANCED VETERINARY ENTOMOLOGY (3 units). Arthropods of medical and veterinary importance and their relation to animal host and environment; control and prevention
VPAR 232
ADVANCED VETERINARY HELMINTHOLOGY (3). Relationship of helminth parasites to their host and environment; immune response to parasitic infection; advances in treatment and control
VPAR 233
ADVANCED VETERINARY PROTOZOOLOGY (2 units). Parasitic protozoa and their relation to animal host and environment; control and prevention
VPAR 234
IMMUNOLOGY OF PARASITIC INFECTIONS (2 units). Parasitic antigens; immunodiagnostic test in clinical parasitology, immune reactions to parasitic protozoa, helminth and arthropods; evasion of the immune response and principles of immunoprophylaxis
VPAR 235
CLINICAL PARASITOLOGY (2 units). Diagnostic techniques, differentiation of ova, larvae, cysts, adult worms and other parasitic forms
VPAR 236
SYSTEMIC HELMINTHOLOGY (3 units). Taxonomy and nomenclature of helminth parasites
VPTH 221
BIOLOGY AND HUSBANDRY OF LABORATORY ANIMALS (2 units). Biology, production, and management of common laboratory animals and their use in biomedical research
VPTH 222
VETERINARY NECROPSY (2 units). Postmortem examination, interpretation and diagnosis; collection, preservation and packing of specimens for laboratory examinations
VPTH 223
HISTOPATHOLOGY (2 units). Light microscopic examination of cellular changes and tissue reaction to injurious agents with emphasis on lesion description, morphologic and etiologic diagnosis
VPTH 224
CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY (2 units). Measurements of various chemical constituents of body fluids and electrolytes; analysis and interpretation of results with emphasis on clinical enzymology
VPTH 225.1
COMPARATIVE PATHOLOGY I (2 units). Etiology, gross and microscopic tissue alterations, interpretation and diagnosis of diseases affecting domestic animals, wildlife, and aquatic animals
VPTH 226
PATHOLOGY OF MICROBIAL INFECTIONS (2 units). Etiology, pathogenesis and diagnosis of common microbial diseases affecting domestic animals
VPTH 227
PATHOLOGY OF PARASITIC INFECTIONS (2 units). Etiology, pathogenesis and diagnosis of common parasitic diseases affecting domestic animals
VPH 222
MICROBIAL AND PARASITIC ZOONOSES (3 units). Biological, ecological and epidemiological features of microbial and parasitic infections transmissible between man and vertebrate animals
VPH 223
VETERINARY EPIDEMIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION OF FOODBORNE DISEASES (2 units). Principles and techniques in the epidemiological investigation of foodborne illness of man and or animals from foods of animal origin
VPH 224
VETERINARY PUBLIC HEALTH CONSIDERATIONS IN FOODS OF ANIMAL ORIGIN (2 units). Veterinary public health concerns in the production, processing, handling and inspection of animal-derived foods
VPH 227
ADVANCED EPIDEMIOLOGY (2 units). Design and conduct of epidemiological investigation; statistical methods for organization, presentation, and analysis of epidemiological data; critical evaluation of published epidemiological researches on public health
VPH 228
ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION IN ANIMAL INDUSTRIES (2 units). Causes, effects and control of environmental pollution with emphasis on pollution from animals, farms, abattoirs, processing plants and other related agricultural and industrial establishments
Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences
VMED 253
ADVANCED EQUINE MEDICINE (3 units). Recent and advanced techniques in diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control of diseases and disorders of horses
VMED 254
ADVANCED SWINE MEDICINE (3 units). Recent and advanced techniques in diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control of diseases and disorders of pigs
VMED 255
ADVANCED POULTRY MEDICINE (3 units). Recent and advanced techniques in diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control of diseases and disorders of poultry
VMED 256
ADVANCED RUMINANT MEDICINE (3 units). Recent and advanced techniques in diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control of diseases and disorders of cattle, buffaloes, sheep and goats
VMED 261
COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE VETERINARY MEDICINE (3 units). Nonconventional, traditional and new approaches, methods and techniques in the diagnosis and therapy of diseases and disorders of animals
VMED 291
SPECIAL TOPICS IN VETERINARY INTERNAL MEDICINE (1-3 units). May be repeated twice provided that the total number of units to be credited to the student’s program will not exceed 3 units
VMED 299
VMED 300
VSUR 251
VETERINARY ANESTHESIA (3 units). Application of different methods of analgesia and anesthesia in surgical procedure
VSUR 253
ADVANCED EQUINE SURGERY (3 units). Recent and advanced techniques in equine surgery
VSUR 254
VETERINARY DIAGNOSTIC ULTRASOUND (3 units). Analysis and interpretation of diagnostic ultrasound in different species of animals
VSUR 256
ADVANCED RUMINANT SURGERY (3 units). Recent and advanced techniques in bovine, bubaline, caprine and ovine surgery
VTHE 251
LABORATORY ANIMAL THERIOGENOLOGY (3 units). Recent and advanced techniques in theriogenology of laboratory animals
VTHE 253
ADVANCED EQUINE THERIOGENOLOGY (3 units). Recent and advanced techniques in theriogenology of horses
VTHE 254
ADVANCED PORCINE THERIOGENOLOGY (3 units). Recent and advanced techniques in theriogenology of pigs
VTHE 256
ADVANCED BOVINE AND BUBALINE THERIOGENOLOGY (3 units). Recent and advanced techniques in theriogenology of cattle and buffaloes
VTHE 257
ADVANCED OVINE AND CAPRINE THERIOGENOLOGY (2 units). Recent and advanced techniques in theriogenology of sheep and goats