Kambing at Tupa: Libreng Check-up at Purga Laban sa Anemya (KaTE)
The KaTE program started in 2017 and has given outreach veterinary services to small ruminant backyard raisers from various barangays in Los Baños and was initiated by the Veterinary Teaching Hospital (VTH) in cooperation with the local municipality of Los Baños. This extension program is supported by the University of the Philippines, Los Baños and has given annual seminars to interested animal raisers. Farm visitation involves health check and physical examination and medical treatment of small ruminants. Assistance in animal identification (ear tagging) and record keeping are also given. Through this extension program, The LB Goat Raiser’s Association was created by local small ruminant owners.

In response to the call of the affected families and to tend to their animals during the Taal eruption on February 2020, the College spearheaded not just donation drives for animal supplies, feeds, supplements, and vitamins but also provision for veterinary assistance. Volunteers composed of CVM faculty, staff, students, and alumni joined several activities coordinated with the Office of the Provincial Veterinarian, Batangas. In times like these, CVM is glad to help our people who are in dire need of veterinary services.

Neuter Days
The VTH annually conducts the Neuter Days during the month of September. Formerly Spay and Neuter Days, this event offers free neuter procedures both in the Diliman and Los Baños stations. In addition to the mentioned procedures, several industry partners are invited to educate pet owners, try out their products, and share insights and experiences on responsible pet ownership.

Clinics (Extension Duty)
One of the rotations that clinicians go through is the extension duty. For this segment, clinicians are given opportunities to develop and enhance skills and apply technical knowledge learned in their classes. Being supervised by the faculty-in-charge, the students not only are presented opportunities to enhance their skills and utilize concepts learned but more importantly, experience and take to heart what is to be of service to the community and the country.

Rabies Vaccination Drives
In accordance to Republic Act 9482, March is known as Rabies Awareness month which aims to strengthen awareness on the prevention, control, and management of this disease. The College often engages in various anti-rabies vaccination drives in collaboration with various organizations and local government units, particularly, the Office of the City or Municipal Veterinarian /Agriculture. In addition, free Anti-Rabies vaccinations are often offered by CVM student organizations as one of the activities during the VetMed Week celebrations in February. However, the College also has involvements with several anti-rabies vaccination drives that are being conducted throughout the year. Through these engagements, CVM joins the country by doing its part in the fight against rabies.