On the 7th of December 2020 (Monday), 2:00 p.m., the virtual turn over ceremony of the CVM-IAS Library Upgrading Project was held. CVM Dean Jezie A. Acorda welcomed everyone who took part in this joyous occasion. Former CVM Dean Eduardo B. Torres narrated how this project came to be. He shared that it was mid 2019 when he was approached by his batchmate (DVM Batch 1978), Universal Feed Mill Corp Chair Dr. Avelino de Manuel with the desire to sponsor a project in the College. He further stated that among the numerous possible projects, one that would greatly benefit students the most was chosen, thus, the upgrading of the CVM Library was considered. CVM Head Librarian Ms. Adelina Esperante was requested to come up with a proposal and this was given the go signal by Dr. de Manuel.
Through the help of the CVM Administration, furnishings and fixtures were purchased and the students’ dream of having modern and spacious learning spaces for individual and group study were accomplished. Through the generosity of Dr. de Manuel, the library is now a more conducive learning environment not just for their academic and scholarly work but for needed group discussions and relaxation area for well-deserved rest from school and research works accomplished. Chancellor Jose V. Camacho gratefully accepted these donations and talked about how fostering strong bonds with alumni is one means of futureproofing UPLB. CVM is indeed blessed to have supportive alumni who take part in the various projects and activities that the College engages in to provide the best possible service to our students. CVM assures Dr. de Manuel that these donations will be handled with utmost care and will be well-maintained enabling several generations of veterinary medicine students to benefit from such a kind gesture.